A sensory oriented story from my next book.

5 Senses: Sound

“Careful with her!” Evan remarked as he surveyed the ebony beauty sandwiched between a pair of sweaty men who heaved with the effort of lifting her girth through the threshold. The marvelous grand piano, swaying between the burly porters, was gently lowered into the corner of the third floor studio apartment between the twin sized bed and small, well-worn, antique writing desk. 

The larger of the two wiped his brow with a meaty hand and regarded the results of his labor. He looked around the ramen piled atop an ancient Casio keyboard, with sheet music littering every square inch of the kitchen counter, desk and half the bed.

“You a musician?” he asked.

“Uh, kinda,” Evan mumbled, gesturing to his humble abode. “My ex-wife was also my producer.”

The mover winced sympathetically and turned his attention back to his task. In tandem, the movers placed the instrument gently down. It certainly stood out, the exquisitely styled piano was by a large margin, the nicest thing in this ramshackle complex. 

“How did you come by it?” the mover asked, wiping his brow

“The piano?” the musician asked, startled by the question, so intense was his focus on the black gleam of the instrument. Despite himself he admired the immaculate lines and spotless shine of the instrument. Running his hand along the stool which he placed before the instrument he sat down.

“At an estate sale,” he lied. “They were practically giving it away!” 

Explaining just how the failure of his loyal Casio coincided with the finalization of his divorce and the pity his mother had conferred on him to a deep despair. When she had offered him the magnificent artifact of his great aunt’s, he couldn’t say no. It was the first bit of good luck he had in a while. Coincidentally, they were actually having an estate sale

The mover took a step back, away from the instrument. Quietly he murmured, “I didn’t know this came from that place… if i had, I never would have touched it.”

Evan scoffed, caressing the curves of the grand piano with a perplexed expression. “Why?” he asked, “The thing is in fantastic condition!”

“223 West Elm?”

That was indeed his aunt’s property. Startled, Evan nodded mutely.

“It’s not a matter of condition,” the mover indicated with the mark of the cross forehead to chest before adding, “It must be cursed.”

“Ridiculous!” he responded with a knee-jerk reaction

“You aren’t originally from the area, are you…” the mover said, regarding the musician who shook his head. “About 60 years ago… A beautiful young woman, sole heiress to the VanBeuren Estate and apple of her father’s eye was murdered in cold blood by her piano tutor who killed himself after brutalizing her body. It was all over the papers at the time. My mother told me to stay away from the property because it was haunted. I can’t imagine a more cursed item than that instrument. You’d best be rid of it.”

“And miss out on owning such a magnificent piece of history?” 

The mover shook his head and backed away from the object, tapping his head, chest and shoulders in the sign of the cross a second time. 

“God help you,” he murmured before leaving, shaking his head in disgust.

Evan listened to his footfalls fade while silently contemplating the “cursed” artifact. Curses were of course utter nonsense but it really didn’t matter. Music was his livelihood and he didn’t even have an agent. Rejection after rejection had been piling up for months, as had the eviction notices. If he didn’t come up with an original song some producer was willing to buy, he’d be homeless.

He sorted through the nearby stack of papers searching for a song with potential for improvement and sighed. As he lifted the lid which covered the keyboard and it slid back noiselessly, propped the paper against the rack and held his breath. There was no way to know if the thing was in-tune before playing it. If it wasn’t, he didn’t have enough money to pay someone to fix it.

Sliding onto the bench, he laid down a c-chord and winced as the instrument softly plinked instead of the luminous reverberations of a well tuned grand piano.

“Shit,” he murmured, slamming his head onto the keyboard to a muffled, ugly blat of nearby keys. Despite his bravado in front of the movers, his desperation was palpable now. “Maybe I can tune it myself.”

*SCRIIIIIIITCH* groaned the bench as Evan slid back and moved to the side of the piano, lifting the lid and peering inside. His eyes widened in surprise at what he saw there.

Relief flooded his veins. Paper, yellowed with age, lay scattered about the interior, several pages warped beneath the hammers where he had attempted to play. As he bent over, peering closer, studying the pages he recognized ledger lines and hand-written musical notes scrawled in a delicate hand. 

Evan carefully gathered the pages from inside the instrument, stacking them based on the numbered pages. As he did so, he carefully scrutinized the pages, marveling at the immaculate, feminine script which littered the margins and added detail between the lines, using words where typically symbols would suffice. Strange.

He found the first page and across the top read the name of the song: “My Devotion.”

“Never heard of it,” Evan murmured, even as he frowned at the little heart which topped the “i”. It appeared to be an original song. “I wonder what it sounds like…”

He made it through three bars and stopped. Heart racing, chest pounding, a thrill surged through his veins. It was like his soul itself danced in reverie. 

“What a song!” he exalted. Then, with new appreciation started over from the beginning, savoring each note, chord, rise and fall of the melody. Mid-way through the second page he stopped with a perplexed expression. 

Was it possible to be so engrossed in a song that he wouldn’t have remembered turning the page? In fact, once he had begun, his fingers seemed to fly across the keyboard as if they already knew the song.

His fingers… Evan blinked. As he stared at his hands and shook his head in disbelief. For a moment, he could have sworn that the fingers were slender and feminine, complete with immaculate nails. But as he looked at them, they seemed utterly normal. He rubbed his eyes, writing it off as a side effect of the excitement for the song which offered his salvation.

He turned back to the beginning and began to play the alluring melody once again, but this time something felt off. Mistakes in tempo, errant notes, beginner’s mistakes. Evan tried again but it was even worse! Far from the majestic symphony he’d heard mere moments earlier it was an auditory travesty. 

What was wrong?

Again and again Evan would make it only a few bars before tripping up on simple transitions. It was as if his fingers refused to do as they were told. It was impossible to forget the earlier melody and so he stubbornly persisted. This was the best lead on a hit he’d ever discovered. 

Finally, after leaning back, head spinning he glanced out the window shocked to discover night had fallen. More than 9 hours, he’d made precious little progress and it was near midnight. 

“I should get ready for bed,” he said aloud to no one in particular. “Well, one more try.”

One more try turned to a dozen and Evan finally dragged himself to bed frustrated and exhausted after 1AM. 

“I’m done,” he insisted. However, a night spent tossing and turning harassed by a magnificent melody that refused to be played infuriated the musician in him. Evan refused to be defeated so easily. 

The following day, despite only a few solid hours of sleep, he was back at it. This song wasn’t so hard, and he worked steadily mastering it one bar at a time. But it took multiple days until the first page was mastered, where it usually took hours. It was a week until the chorus was conquered and nearly a month until he reached the end. 

He had mastered the song as written but discovered something terrible in the process. The song was unfinished. A page, maybe two were lacking and it was clear. His latest project was crafting a suitable finale. And if progress with the song was slow, finishing the song was interminable. It was an endless struggle until his mother called to check-in.

At least, he thought it was a month. The days were a blur and it felt like the only thing in the world was his piano and the song. Looking back, did he even leave the apartment?

“Are you OK?” his mother asked. “You sound sick.”

“I’m fine mom,” he assured her.

“Your voice sounds off, honey. Are you sure you’re not coming down with something?”

He reassured her more emphatically and she relented. 

“I want you to meet me for lunch at Parkers. I can be there in 15 minutes.”

“Lunch? It’s still early. And I can’t today.”

“It’s already after one,” she corrected. “It’s my treat. I insist.”

“I’m working on a project and I can’t just-” He paused suddenly, a realization only then occurring. “Hey, you don’t still have any of Great Aunt Rita’s stuff hanging around do you?”

“Oh, uh…” Evan’s mother paused, clearly not expecting the question. “You know we just finished her estate sale since we decided to sell the property, but we might have a couple of things still floating around. Why?”

“Any stray papers or-”

“I’ll tell you what,” she interrupted. “I’ll meet you tomorrow for breakfast at Mickey’s and I’ll bring over whatever I can find.”

Evan knew better than to press her. Moreover, as much as he wanted to stay in, the possibility of finding the final pages of Rita’s song was too alluring. 

“I’ll see you then,” he agreed.

“Good. Get some sleep honey. You sound like someone stuffed a squeaky toy down your throat.” 


Evan shook his head. Mother never changed, she was always worrying about him. Was his voice really that different? No, he decided. It must have been their connection or the fact he hadn’t really talked to anyone in weeks. 

Pushing the woman’s concerns from his head, he practiced the incomplete song, fantasizing that tomorrow the parts would finally be reunited and a wonderful payday just around the corner before finally rising to meet his mother.

“You look terrible,” Evan’s mom announced as Evan sat down across the small brunch table.

“Gee, thanks. 

“You’re so skinny, it looks like you haven’t eaten in a month. And you’re so pale, it’s spring, you should be outside, finding a nice girl. Finding love!”

“I just got divorced, mom.”

Mother looked incensed. “Six months ago!” 

Evan rolled his eyes, but he silently wondered if she had a point. His clothes were fitting awfully loose, to the point his belt was tied because there were no suitable holes. But even if she was right, mother wasn’t an artist and would never understand what he was working on. Even so, he could stand to try a little harder to eat regular meals. 

However, instead of admitting anything, he changed the subject and gestured towards the medium sized box his mother beside her. The size of the box gave him hope and he was nervously glancing at it.

“What were you able to find?” he asked as nonchalantly as he could manage.

“Well, there wasn’t much left after the estate sale, but we had to price things really low because of all the curse nonsense.”

“You’ve heard of the curse too?”

“Of course,” she nodded sadly. “Rita was my mother’s younger sister. The poor girl died so tragically, there was no way I wouldn’t find out eventually. You know the way people gossip. Your grandmother practically had a heart attack when you started playing piano at six just like her. She was convinced you’d end up like Rita.”

“Hardly. The box, any papers?”

“Most of what was left was Rita’s personal effects, clothes, and jewelry that belonged to Rita. Because of the stupid curse, even her vintage 70’s era outfits, which should have sold instantly, went untouched.”

Evan tried mightily to hide his disappointment. 

His mother must have noticed as she asked, “Do you still want it?”

“I’ll still take it,” Evan said sadly, still holding out a hope for something unexpected in the box, then turned his attention to the waitress who set down a plate of eggs, bacon and toast in front of him with a grim smile. 

It was only a few bites before he was full and Evan grew tired of his mother’s criticisms as they piled up. Cut your hair, eat more, get outside, go out on some dates. 

“Allright, I’m heading home,” Evan announced, picking up the surprisingly hefty cardboard box as the contents shifted in his arms and threatened to come spilling out. Had his mother really carried this without issue? Maybe he did need to hit the gym.

“Take care of yourself Sweetie.” 

“Sure. Thanks mom,” he replied, stifling a pained grunt and shuffling out of the restaurant. He hurried as best he could manage back to his apartment. 

Throughout the walk back despite straining arms, his mothers admonitions swirled in his mind like they never had before. After he had put the box down on the bed, relieving the burden, he regarded himself in the bathroom mirror with uncommon intensity.

His hair WAS too long. Down to his shoulders, longer than he had ever worn it. How had he let it grow so long without noticing? Yet as he searched his bathroom for the electric razor it occurred to him how long it had been since he’d shaved. Weeks had passed since a razor glimpsed his chin or upper lip, yet the face reflected in the mirror was smooth as though freshly shorn. 

Could the curse actually be real? If so, what was it doing to him?

Evan’s heart started pounding in his chest. Curses aren’t real, he repeated to himself as he pulled up a selfie on his phone. The picture on his phone made him catch his breath. It looked like the face in the mirror, but there were subtle differences which should have been impossible.

The nose in the mirror was slightly smaller and straighter, the cheekbones more pronounced, making his eyes seem bigger. Moreover, his hairline moved down and the lips slightly more pronounced causing an effect which gave a more feminine cast to his original features. The changes were so slight he hadn’t noticed until he could see versions side by side.

The only possible explanation had to be the curse. If that was true, then he had to do something to stop this. Since it started when he began playing the song, maybe completing the song would free him from the curse, he reasoned. It made him even more determined to complete the song as not just his livelihood, but his body was on the line!

Filled with newfound resolve, he started towards the piano before spotting the box of Rita’s belongings and veering towards the bed. And just as he closed in, his pants dropped to his ankles and he nearly tripped. It wasn’t just his face. His whole body was changing!

Stepping out of his jeans with a huff of frustration, he dumped the box on the bed and surveyed the contents in underwear which barely hung on his emaciated hips. How had Evan not noticed how his body had changed? It was slender beyond even the most extreme weight loss regiment, but curvy… femininely so.

Cursing quietly, he turned attention to the box’s contents. A collection of 70’s era outfits lay atop Evan’s comforter. He could make out dresses, underwear, blouses, perhaps most of Rita’s wardrobe at the time of her passing. Useless for his purposes. 

A specific item caught his attention; A framed photograph of Rita at the piano. Based on the young woman’s age, it was likely taken shortly before her passing. She looked familiar, and not just because they were extended family. Certain elements, the way her eyes tilted, the angle of her nose… they were features he had recently discovered emerging on his own face!

That was the curse then. The unfinished song must have been turning Evan’s masculine body into Rita’s petite form! Evan felt the truth of it in his gut, he had to finish the song before this curse changed his body forever. 

There was no time to waste with Rita’s belongings, so he dug around the back of his dresser for an old, neglected pair of ripped jeans from highschool he had long ago outgrown. He still needed to cinch the waist using a necktie. Once he was properly covered, he returned to the piano to resume his work on the ending of “My Devotion”. With his manhood on the line he played with fierce determination.

It went terribly. Not only did he make little enough progress on the next stanza, he was tripped up on the basics of the song he believed had already been mastered.  He struggled through hours of difficulty before collapsing in exhaustion at the keyboard. 

The following morning, he was awakened by narrow slivers of golden sunlight filtering through the blinds. After a few groggy attempts whilst fighting a throbbing back pain he attributed to falling asleep at the piano, Evan slammed his hands down on the keys.

He stood with disgust and his pants dropped to his ankles once again. 

“FUCK!” he swore. 

At this rate, the song would never be finished. He needed to change something. Inspiration. He needed to find the mindset which allowed Rita to write the song originally. 

He lay on the bed to stretch out his back, wincing as the picture stabbed his back. He pulled it from under the arch of his back and studied the woman in the photograph. Evan could recognize the outfit she was wearing as one of the many outfits he had recently acquired. 


What if he dressed up in Rita’s clothes? It wasn’t much, but if she had written the song in authentic clothing of the time, maybe Evan could as well!

It wasn’t much of an idea, but it was better than banging his head against a wall, even if it meant he had to dress like a girl. 

Stripping off his clothes, Evan pondered the assortment of garments. He dismissed the underwear since, fortunately, his manhood was still intact. Hoping women’s panties weren’t the key to this particular puzzle, he found the same set of clothes Rita wore in the picture: A red, white and blue striped halter top which left his midriff bare and a high-waisted pair of bell bottoms. 

Evan felt utterly ridiculous and uncomfortable in the getup. The top hung loosely without breasts to fill it out. Worse, the pants were tight in the waist, yet loose in the hips, squeezing him uncomfortably, but they did, however poorly, fit. There was no risk of these falling off. He just had to cope with how ridiculous he must look in these ill-fitting women’s clothes. It made him glad there was no one around to see it.

However, as he sat down at the piano, a part of him dearly hoped the hunch was wrong and he’d continue to play just as poorly. But as he aced measure after measure of the song where earlier he’d tripped up, he sighed in resignation. Once he reached the end of the song, he stumbled on a cadence and a beat structure which formed a solid foundation for the remainder of the song, the biggest breakthrough in days. 

“I guess, I’m a crossdresser now,” Evan said aloud to the empty apartment as his voice cracked for the first time since his adolescence. He shivered in terror. “Time is running out.”

Another two weeks passed with slow progress. With testing, Evan found he played better and more consistently dressed in Rita’s clothes and grew used to wearing her outfits, although he avoided the dresses, skirts, and underwear, leaving the bras and panties laying haphazardly at the foot of the bed. Musically, although the existing song came easier, progress was agonizingly slow with his attempts to conclude the song.

Moreover, his body continued to change. Too slowly to observe, but he couldn’t help but notice Rita’s clothes were fitting more easily every day. Resisting the urge to compare his face to the selfie on his phone became a daily struggle. It felt like an endless march, an inevitable spiral towards oblivion. 

Then, there was a knock at his door.

Evan considered ignoring it, but he had just been playing the song. There was no doubt he was home, and no question he had heard the knock since it had interrupted the music. 

Silently cursing, he rose and opened the door before he remembered he was dressed like Rita in a deep-v tank top with floral print, skin tight, flared pants. 

“Hi, I’m Mark,” the stranger announced. ”I’m your upstairs neighbor.”

Evan studied Mark and searched his memory. He vaguely recalled seeing the man around the building before, but they had never spoken. 

“I’m Eva-,” he stuttered, trying to ignore the embarrassment of his outfit. 

“I heard the music and wanted to come down and say hello Eva,” Mark continued, his eyes lingering a little too long on Evan’s exposed midriff. 

“Uh, thanks,” Evan said, suddenly feeling self-conscious. 

“So, what kind of music do you play?” Mark asked before he could correct his neighbor, stepping closer to Evan. 

“Just some classics, nothing too exciting,” Evan replied, trying to edge towards the door to end the conversation. 

Mark didn’t seem to take the hint, instead leaning in even closer. 

“Maybe you should play something for me,” he suggested, his hand reaching out to touch Evan’s arm. “I play a little myself!”

Evan froze, unsure of how to react. He had never been hit on by a man before, and he wasn’t sure how to process that information, if he wasn’t just misinterpreting the action altogether. 

“I don’t know,” he finally stammered, taking a step back. “I’m not really in the mood right now.”

Mark’s expression turned sullen, and Evan could tell the man felt rejected. Was this how it felt on the other side of asking someone out?

“Alright Eva, if you change your mind, I’m just upstairs,” Mark said, turning to leave. 

Evan let out a sigh of relief as he closed the door, his heart racing. He couldn’t believe he had just been hit on by a man, and he wasn’t sure how he felt about it. As he walked back to the piano, he couldn’t help but wonder if it had something to do with the curse, because it felt like some kind of lost opportunity. 

He sat down at the piano, focusing on the music to clear his mind. As he played, he felt a sudden surge of inspiration. It was like the veil had lifted, and he could see the end of the song clearly in his mind. 

With a newfound energy, Evan played through the entire song, his fingers moving effortlessly over the keys like never before- until as quickly as the sensation had arrived, it vanished. The step was gone, but the footprint it left behind was crystal clear. Evan would never finish the song alone.. It was a duet!

The realization left him shaking like a willow in a stiff breeze. Something in the song was changing him, and yet it didn’t matter compared to finishing the song. And if pretending to be a girl could make that dream happen, so be it. 

For the first time, Evan removed his clothes and reached for Rita’s still untouched underwear, intending to dress completely fem, but as he did, he caught sight of his reflection. He couldn’t help but stare in amazement at the changes happening to his body. His hair was longer, his face was softer, and his body had curves in all the right places. He couldn’t deny the appeal of it, regardless of the curse. A divinely feminine figure… almost completely. No wonder this cursed body had Mark’s attention.

“Eva” found a matching pair of bra and panties as he prepared to dress fully in Rita’s clothes. He slipped them on, admiring how they hugged his new curves despite a miniscule cock and balls which strained awkwardly against the fabric, and then reached for the dress hanging on the back of his closet door. It was a simple, short black dress with a V-neckline that showed off his cleavage which he was surprised to find he had! He slipped it over his head, feeling the fabric slide over his body, and turned to the mirror to admire the result.

He looked stunning. The dress accentuated all his best features, as a boyish, but feminine figure stared back from the mirror. In fact, looking down, it was hard to consider the person in this dress masculine at all.

Eva smiled at the face which resembled a mixture of Rita and Evan and decided to identify herself as a girl, at least while this ruse lasted and the song remained incomplete.

She glanced longingly at the earrings but without any piercings, she couldn’t do much in terms of accessories beyond a small locket which nestled between her still small breasts.

“Good enough,” she announced, pairing the dress with black heels which she found herself moving in quite naturally. Raising her hands to her neck, she was surprised her voice had grown even higher pitched.

Self-consciously, she exited the apartment and headed for the elevator, traveling the short distance one floor higher, standing outside the apartment which belonged to Mark!

Taking a deep breath, Eva knocked on the door, hoping Mark would answer and not someone else. The door opened after a few seconds, revealing Mark’s tall, muscular build. Eva couldn’t help but feel intimidated and vulnerable standing before him in her dress and heels.

“Hi, Mark,” she greeted him, her voice still higher pitched than she was used to. “I changed my mind. I’d like to play something for you.”

Mark’s eyes widened in surprise as he took in her appearance. “Wow, Eva,” he said, stepping aside to let her in. “You look…amazing.”

Eva shook her head, unused to both the praise and the way his eyes crawled up and down her skin in a surprisingly obvious way. Yet somehow she wasn’t bothered by it…

“Will you come back down to my apartment?” she asked, feeling bolder.

Mark nodded eagerly and she almost changed her mind, but stubbornly decided not to show any weakness. Evenstanding next to him silently as they waited for the elevator felt so embarrassing she thought she’d melt.

Finally leading her neighbor into the apartment, she sat back down at the piano, feeling a newfound confidence in her ability to play. She started playing the song again, but this time, she sang along with it. Her voice was smooth and sultry, with a hint of raspiness that only made it more alluring. Singing had never been Evan’s forte… the curse had not just changed her speaking voice, but her singing talent as well.

As she finished the song, she heard a soft applause from behind her. She turned to see Mark standing there, a smile on his face.

“You’re incredible,” he said, walking closer to her. “I had no idea you were such a talented musician.”

Eva blushed, feeling a strange mix of excitement and trepidation. His interest was totally transparent and she wasn’t sure if she wanted to lead Mark on or not to complete the song. But there was something about him that drew her in.

“Thank you,” she said softly. “I guess I’ve been practicing a lot lately.”

Mark nodded, his eyes locked on hers. “You know, Eva, there’s something about you that I can’t quite put my finger on,” he said, his hand reaching out to brush a strand of hair out of her face. “You’re just so…captivating.”

Eva’s heart raced as Mark’s hand lingered on her cheek. She felt a sudden urge to kiss him, to feel his lips on hers. But at the same time, she couldn’t shake off the feeling that something wasn’t quite right.

“I appreciate the compliment, Mark,” she said, pulling away slightly. “But I don’t think this is a good idea.”

Mark’s expression turned serious as he stepped closer, his eyes darkening with desire. “Why not, Eva?” he asked, his hand moving to her waist as he sat down beside her at the piano. “Don’t you feel the chemistry between us?”

Eva’s mind raced as Mark leaned in for a kiss, but she suddenly turned to the piano and began to play.

She couldn’t bring herself to look back into his large dark eyes, and she could barely hear the notes of the piano over the pounding of blood in her ears. Even so, her fingers found the correct notes.

Then something magical happened as Mark began to play beside her. Hesitant at first, then with increasing confidence, he played the lower notes in accompaniment, humming softly in perfect harmony. At least, until out of sheer shock she stopped playing, her heart threatening to leap from her chest.

“What the hell?” she gasped, turning to look at Mark, who was now standing rather than sitting beside her at the piano.

“I…I don’t know,” Mark said, looking equally as confused. “I thought you were playing alone.”

“I was,” Eva said. “At least, I think I was.”

Mark frowned in confusion and sat back down beside her at the piano. Then, Eva’s heart beat even faster as he continued to play the song from memory. It was as if the step from her imagination to the piano was no longer necessary. But how was that even possible? How could he replicate her playing off the notes sheet?

“I don’t know what’s happening,” Eva said, finally turning to face him, “but it’s incredible.”

Mark nodded, and smiling, leaned toward as if playing for another kiss. This time she closed her eyes and pursed her lips, caught up in the moment.

“I want you, Eva,” he said before their lips could meet. “There’s something about you I’ve never felt before. I can’t explain it, but I’ve never been so sure so quickly that-“

She silenced him with a kiss, her first with a man.

For an instant, she feared the kiss would disappoint her companion or that somehow he could tell the difference between her and a real woman. But then, as she felt his hand reach down to the swell of her ass, gently squeezing it while the other hand moved to the back of her head, keeping their lips locked together the sublime sensation of the kiss nearly overwhelmed her with a surge of new sensation.

She broke the kiss. “Take me to bed, Mark,” she said, her voice raspy with desire.

And he did.

He reached down, picking her up effortlessly and carrying her to the bedroom. Mark smiled broadly as he lowered her onto the bed. It was a hazy, dreamlike fog she found herself in, completely ignoring the voice in the back of her mind that questioned what she was doing. Her life might be a mess, and she might have been cursed into the body of a woman, but for the moment, Mark made all of that fade away.

It wasn’t until he was pulling the dress over her head when she remembered a bulge he was sure to notice, but as she looked down in panic she was surprised by a flat, fully feminine pelvis. And her breasts had grown too, filling out the bra to the point she was nearly spilling out of it! Moments later, Mark removed those too once he had stepped out of his own clothes, his rigid erection drawing her rapt attention as she lay in only her silken panties.

“Your body is perfect,” Mark announced, lowering her onto the bed. 

Eva smiled, a rush of confidence flowing through her. She felt sexy, desirable, sensual and in control. If there was one thing the curse had given to her, it was a desire to be a woman.

“So is yours,” she replied, her mouth watering. “I want to taste you.”

Mark joined her on the bed, kissing her passionately as his hands explored her body. He groaned, pulling back from the kiss. “God, I want you,” he said breathlessly.

Eva raised her hips, allowing him to remove her panties before he once again climbed atop her. Mark’s mouth claimed hers again and she moaned softly, pulling him closer. She wrapped her arms around him, her body arching as she felt the head of his cock brush against her sex. Then, suddenly and unexpectedly, it was inside of her.

Eva gasped, shuddering and moaning as he thrust in and out of her. Her fingers dug into  his muscular back and she pulled him to her for a deep kiss. The surreal sensation of a hardness inside a place she’d never had was mind-numbingly intense. 

Mark began to thrust harder, his cock filling her completely, the heat between her legs building to an unbearable intensity. She cried out, breaking their kiss to bury her face in his neck. Her fingernails scored his back, sending chills of pleasure through her. She felt one hand moving down her back and gasped when she felt his finger slip between her cheeks, teasing her tight ass.

“Do you want me to fuck you here too?” Mark asked, his voice strained.

“Yes,” Eva moaned, kissing his throat. A man was on top of her, asking to fuck her ass and pussy. And rather than repellant, it was transcendent. He seemed to read every contour of her body, playing HER like an instrument and it was making such beautiful music inside her!

Mark pulled his cock out of her pussy, marveling at the sight of her swollen lips and wetness that coated it. He reached for a condom on the nightstand once intended for Evan’s own cock, tearing it open and rolling it onto his erection. He mounted her, the tip of his cock brushing the slippery lips of her pussy before slowly pushing into her pussy again while with a finger plunging in her ass. She gasped, her body tensing for a moment before relaxing again as he slid all the way inside.

“Eva, you’re so beautiful,” Mark said, raising himself above her.

“You make me feel so good,” she said, her hands moving to his hips.

Mark smiled, tilting his hips forward, causing her to gasp slightly at the sensation as he slid in a little deeper. “I want to make you feel good again and again,” he said, thrusting in time with his words.

Eva was moaning loudly, her moans and cries filling the room. “Oh, God, Mark!” she cried, feeling her whole body climbing to a frenzy of pleasure.

“Oh yeah,” she said, “Don’t stop!”

Mark growled and thrust harder, his cock rubbing her sensitive clit as he slammed into her. “Eva!” he yelled, coming inside of her. He lowered himself, panting heavily as he kissed her.

“You’re amazing,” Eva said, cradling his head against her breasts.

Mark laughed. “You can say that again.”

She giggled, stroking his hair. “You’re amazing,” she repeated.

Mark smiled and kissed her. “You’re amazing.”

She raised her hips and felt his cock slide from her pussy with a wet pop. “You’re still hard,” she said, gazing into his eyes.

Mark nodded, kissing her again. “I am. Think you can take more?”

Eva smiled and kissed him again. “I think I can take whatever you’ve got.”

Mark’s eyes sparked with excitement and he reached into the nightstand for another condom, but Eva knew there was only one… but she NEEDED him inside her again. Having a pussy felt incredible, but she was buzzing with anticipation.

When he looked at her and shrugged, she said, “Again, raw.”

Mark nodded eagerly and she lifted her hips, reaching down to guide him inside her once again. He thrust immediately, his hardness digging deep into her. She groaned as he filled her and she felt his cock pulsing against her inner walls. She was panting heavily, her eyes closed, her fingers digging into his back.

“Open your eyes,” Mark said, his own eyes boring into hers.

She did, and she gazed deeply at him. She felt his cock swelling, filling her even more. She felt it move inside her, felt it stretching her tight canal, felt her body flutter around it. She felt her orgasm building, and reaching up, she brushed his hair back.

“I love you,” she said, amazed to find she truly felt it!

“I love you, Eva,” he replied, his voice soft and gentle. “I love you more than I ever thought possible.”

He kissed her tenderly, his hand lifting one of her legs onto his shoulder letting him plunge impossibly deep within.

She felt his cock press against her once more, sliding into her pussy without a break. She moaned softly and wrapped her arm around his head.

“You’re so tight,” he said, moving slowly in and out of her.

Eva nodded, feeling his cock stretch her pussy. Her eyes were squeezed shut, her body suffused with pleasure. “Don’t stop,” she whispered. “I’m so close.”

Mark nodded, thrusting into her hard with his hips. “You feel so good!” he exclaimed.

Eva moaned as his cock drove into her again, her pussy already clenching down at the thought of another incredible orgasm. “Mark!” she cried, her body shaking with pleasure. She felt his cock thicken and realized he was close too. Her pussy clenched down even harder and she felt the warmth of his semen filling her.

“Oh, God, Eva,” Mark moaned.

“Mark,” she said, gasping for breath. Her eyes were closed, her fingers still buried in his hair. She felt her pussy squeeze his cock hard. “Mark, I’m cumming… again!”

He grunted and her pussy walls clenched down hard on his cock, the heat of his cum filling her, expanding the head of his cock and driving it deep into her.

“Oh, Eva,” Mark groaned. “Oh, fuck!”

She felt his cock twitch and pulse inside her, filling her with cum. Her pussy clenched down on it, holding it deep within her. She felt so full and warm, shudders of pleasure running through her.

“You are amazing,” Mark said, kissing her shoulder.

“I have you to thank,” she said, still panting.

They were both breathing hard, their bodies still joined as she felt his cock slowly begin to soften.

“That was incredible,” Mark whispered.

“It was,” Eva agreed, her eyes half lidded and a warm smile on her face.

Mark’s cock slipped from her pussy and he rolled onto his side, his arms still wrapped around her.

Eva curled up against him and kissed his cheek. “Mark, I’m so glad you came over today, for everything!”

Mark’s fingers stroked her back. “Me too.”

She lay in his arms reveling in the new sensations still coursing through her veins before they both fell into a blissful slumber.

Eva awoke suddenly to a startling revelation.

“I know how to finish the song!” she thought excitedly. Mark who snored softly behind her flinched but didn’t wake as she moved his arm which draped over her waist casually and placed it beside him, resisting the urge to stare at his toned body, dimmed in the early evening light.

Carefully she snuck back into the living room, sat down at the table and, with a feverish pace, she transcribed note after note from her mind. Panting, nude, except for the locket around her neck, she looked down at the completed song.

With unaccountable surety, she knew that waking Mark, and completing the song would return her to her original body. Excitedly she rushed to the bedroom, music in hand, as the last rays of light filtered through the blinds.

“Mark, get up!”

He stirred slowly and looked up at her with pale blue eyes which threatened to swallow her up. He stretched, eyeing her up and down.

“What’s up?” he asked with a yawn.

Suddenly she didn’t feel like playing music even as the sensation of semen trickling down her leg roused her awareness. He was hard again.

“What’s up?, Mark asked again, this time grinning seductively.

Eva looked at the papers one last time before crumpling them up and tossing them behind the dresser.

“This time, I want to try being on top,” she said finally.

Before climbing atop his burgeoning erection she removed the locket tossing it to the floor. It fell open revealing two lovers in embrace. A woman who looked a lot like Eva, was gazing adoringly at a man who might easily be mistaken for her bed mate. But Eva was too preoccupied to spare it a look, enjoying the symphony of pleasure which she hoped would never…


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22 Swap Street: Chapter 2

Allison spent most of the car ride on the phone “making arrangements.” Agent Harrison wasn’t helpful either. He sat silently gazing out the window, as he had during Kei and Allison’s lovemaking. Although Kei was grateful he hadn’t seemed present earlier, it was frustrating now that he wanted information. The only thing he knew was they were on the way to campus.

An unknown college campus, where he would be expected to pretend to be some girl named Soo-Yun An. His community didn’t share the mutual animosity between Koreans and Japanese established in the wake of their home nations’ respective interactions. But if the Fifthson College was mostly white, it wouldn’t be an issue. The real trick was how they expected him to pretend to be a girl. Sure, he was short, but-

“Stop here!” Allison called, pulling the phone momementarily from her ear and banging on the shaded divider. She took out a notebook and scribbled down a quick, bulleted list before ripping off the page and handing it to Agent Harrison. “Pick this stuff up, quick.”

Without a word, the towering agent hopped outside the car which had only just rolled to a stop outside a CVS. Allison resumed her call before Kei could get her attention. 

He huffed in frustration and resumed listening to half a conversation in an attempt to gain some measure of clarity. A few minutes later, Harrison reappeared with a plastic bag. 

“Did you get everything we needed?”

Agent Harrison handed over the bag. “They didn’t have a black wig, so I had to improvise.”

Allison scanned the contents and nodded, pulling out a disposable razor, a bottle of water, a travel can of shaving cream, a collegiate sweatshirt, lipstick, a compact, and finally a wig with long, garish blue hair.

“No way,” Kei muttered, shaking his head. “This is a joke.”

Pulling the phone from her ear and covering the mouthpiece, Allison whispered harshly. “You do it or I make Agent Harrison do it for you.” 

The air of threat was unmistakable, even if Allsion was no longer looking at him, resuming her call and banging on the divider, signaling the driver to resume their travel.

“Fuck,” Kei sighed, slipping the sweatshirt over his head.

Kei had never put makeup on before. Moreover, without a mirror, he couldn’t be sure how to start. It wasn’t even until he opened the compact did he realize there was a mirror readily available. After clumsily shaving, fumbling with eye shadow, and sloppy smearing of lipstick he finally slipped on the wig. 

Allison was no longer talking on the phone, instead she was studying him while clearly holding back a cackle of mirth. 

“Look, I’ve never done this before.”

“I know,” she said, with consolation in her tone. “And if we had time I’d love to teach you. Unfortunately, we’re here and you look… feminine enough… in a lazy college way.”

Kei looked outside and found they had parked outside a large dorm-looking building. “How on Earth am I supposed to blend in like this?”

“You only need to make it to your room. Under your bed you’ll find a much more convincing disguise. You’ll need to get it on quickly, your roommate will be here soon.”

“I have a roommate?” Kei exclaimed. “This is impossible.”

“Very probably,” Allison sighed and admitted. Then, bringing up a photo on her phone, she handed it to Kei. It was a photo of a grim looking young man with dark hair and hazel eyes. “After today we can’t risk any contact, this is Mac Davidson. He’s a college senior, our liaison. He’ll function as a go-between for us and will be posing as your physics tutor. We’ve arranged a meeting at the library tomorrow. He’s aware of your… situation and will fill you in on the case.”

“You’re just letting me go?”

“We have an arrangement. If you don’t report in with Mac tomorrow, or if you fail to report in regularly, he’ll let us know. Afterwards, I’ll make it my personal mission to ensure you not only end up in a federal prison, but I’ll make sure to send your family the remains.” She was still smiling, but it now carried a deadly edge. It was hard to imagine they’d made love mere minutes ago, even if she was still in only her underwear.

Kei held out the phone, but Allison waved him off. 

“It’s yours,” she explained. “If something goes catastrophically wrong, or if you need to reach us, dial 9-1-1. It will reroute to us.”

“And if I’m found out?”

Allison reached out and adjusted Kei’s wig. “If your true identity is revealed, then Billco spreads throughout the western seaboard. The truth of Soo-Yun’s fate will never be known and your family-”

“Ok, I get it,” Kei insisted, while he slipped the phone in the sweatshirt’s front pocket with a grimace.

“Just so we’re clear, Harrison and I are rooting for you. You aren’t a cop, but we don’t want anything bad to happen to you. I know more about what you’re about to go through than you can imagine, just… be safe.”

“Clear,” Harrison announced loudly and unexpectedly. Kei had forgotten the mountainous agent was present.

“Time to go,” Allison announced. She also handed over a key and added “Room 519, try to avoid talking to anyone until you’re properly dressed. Remember-”

Opening the door, Kei interrupted as he stepped out. “The real disguise is under the bed, whatever that means.”

“Good luck Keisuke,” he heard a moment before the door closed. 

Pulling a hood over his head and sweeping strands of faux hair out of his mouth he moved towards the dorm’s entrance. Clutching keys and keeping his head down, Kei shuffled quickly towards the enterance and nearly collided with a tall, dark, blur. 

“Excuse me,” it said with a good natured chuckle. “Oh, I don’t believe we’ve met. Are you a freshman?”

“Mhmm!” Kei squeaked in affirmation, afraid to speak. He glanced up to see dark brown eyes and a warm smile before turning away. It was a bad idea letting the stranger get too good a look at him, if it wasn’t already too late.

“My name is Leshaun and I’m an RA for the 5th floor. You wouldn’t be Soo-Yun, would you?”

Kei nodded and cursed inwardly.

“Oh fantastic!” the residential assistant exclaimed. “Let me show you to your room. Is it alright if I call you Soo?”

Kei nodded again as he followed Leshaun into the elevator. He carefully positioned himself to let the hood mask his face and hoped he just came off as shy. RAs were supposed to be extra friendly and helpful to new students, but if he could just make it to his room…

“I like your blue hair,” Leshaun said as the door closed, “It’s really cute.”

“Did he just call me cute?” Kei wondered, but before he could even wrap his brain around the idea, Leshaun added, “If you want to grab a bite to eat sometime, it’s my treat. I know all the best places so you can stop by my room anytime.”

As Leshaun finished explaining the best place to get Thai food they arrived at Kei’s, no, Soo-Yun’s, room.  

“Your roommate Samantha  is supposed to get here in the next hour or two, but if you need me, I’m just down the hall.”

“Thanks,” Kei squeaked, slipping inside the door and all-but closing the door in Leshaun’s face. And, for the first time in several endless minutes, he took a breath. His heart was pounding, certain he’d be found out any moment. Yet Leshaun obviously expected to see a quiet, young asian girl, and he was able to present that facade realistically enough. Moreover, did he get invited on a date?

No, Kei decided, the residential assistant was just being friendly. The real issue was a roommate who might arrive any moment, so his thoughts turned to the “real disguise” beneath the bed and he set to examining the room. Fortunately it was small, two beds, two desks, two dressers, and two wardrobes. Half the room was appointed with stereotypically feminine styled decoration, posters and a computer. Was it his or his roommate’s? A quick check beneath the unadorned bed revealed nothing. Under the bed with the silky, purple-flower festooned bedspread there was a squat storage container.

“Well, now I know which side of the room is mine,” Kei confirmed to himself as he heaved the chest atop the comforter. “Now let’s see this miraculous disguise which is supposed to fool my roommate who sleeps two feet away. Youch!”

As he moved to unlatch the top he pulled his hand away to see a trickle of blood. A small needle sank back into the container and Kei muttered, wondering if he’d been poisoned. Opening the cover revealed a printout containing a brief letter:

“Contained within, find one (1) premium B-Tek Model-C, full-body conversion sleeve. This skin has been designed to fully resemble one Soo-Yun An (deceased). Body to achieve 100% conversion rate and maintain indefinite body-mesh disambiguation utilizing seminal ejection based stimulant (keep refrigerated), dosage not to exceed 1 dose every 2 day(s).”


Beneath the letter was a soft pink… something. Stray strands of dark hair swirled about the bottom of the container, a dark, shimmering pool consuming it’s contents. As he watched the pink-something appeared to inflate, yellowing slightly to a shade of flesh Kei recognized as Soo’s. He swallowed back surging vomit.

If there wasn’t enough in the box to be grossed out by, there was the trouble reference to “seminal ejections” in a refrigerator. But there was no way they expected him to drink cum, right?

Sure enough, Kei turned to find a minifridge beside the door. Swallowing hard, he opened it to find a dozen smoothie-looking drinks neatly lining the interior. 

This was wild, too wild. Every instinct he had screamed to run for the door and never look back. Wearable skin, cum-filled smoothies, murder, drugs, undercover police work… What was he doing involved in any of this?

As much as he wanted to blame his penis for agreeing to this madness, Kei would have said yes anyway. It was true that prison time was tantamount to suicide. It wouldn’t take long for the mob or yakuza to find out where he was. And the Feds promised to look after his family. If he was dead, there wouldn’t be anyone left to care for his sister.

Sighing, he returned to the box. But he vowed to avoid the smoothies at all cost. Drinking jizz was NOT going to happen.

He lifted the flesh out of the box carefully. It weighed almost nothing and yet was warm to the touch. Unusually soft, the spongy, flesh-colored material unrolled into a human-shaped silhouette, long dark hair swaying from a head-shaped protrusion. 

It stretched as he applied gentle pressure prompting a shiver of disgust. Kei could identify all four limbs and an opening in the back from which a small sticky note fluttered down. The note was a bulleted list which included 3 items.

  1. Strip down completely
  2. Enter the suit one limb at a time while seated
  3. Once limbs adjust, stand and zip the back AFTER applying the facemask.

Notes for how to put the suit on. Terrific. Kei tossed the wig and sticky note on the bed beside the storage container. Then he stripped before taking a deep breath while desperately avoiding overthinking what he was about to do.

Limb by limb, Kei watched the sagging body sleeve plump as his body filled it. However, instead of stretching to fit his legs and arms, he could feel muscles and bones shifting to resemble a more slender caste. It was deeply uncomfortable the way his body rearranged itself after a sensation of intense compression. Gradually, normal sensation returned, first to his fingers and toes, then to his limbs. 

But they weren’t HIS limbs. Slender, graceful, slightly paler than his own skin tone, they were a girl’s limbs. Soo’s limbs.

Nevertheless, he continued complying with the instructions. Pulling the mask over his head with eyes shut tight, he winced as the mask subsumed his skull, squeezing it until he was sure it would pop. When he opened his eyes, it was through Soo’s almond ones.

Peering down, he could see the wrinkled folds of breast and torso sagging through about mid-thigh. Then, sucking in a deep breath he reached behind for the point just below his ass where the back-split began. After fumbling blindly for a moment he found a small nub and began to pull upward. Miraculously his hand fell away and the “zipper” proceeded up his back sending a tingling sensation along his spine all the way to the base of his skull. 

Kei watched as the skin around his torso and hips tightened. His chest was already tight but it squeezed the breath from his lungs and he could feel ribs jostled beneath the suit’s rictus grasp. A crawling tickle traveled up from his belly and he watched in dumbstruck amazement as his chest swelled into a pair of small, but shapely, breasts with adorable, perky nipples.

As a body-wide twinge subsided he was left looking at the body of a slender, supple, gorgeous young woman. There wasn’t even a sign of his manhood, just a hairless mound where it should have been, a slender waist and feminine hips. He hadn’t seen a picture of Soo Yun naked, but he did not doubt he resembled her to every last detail.

“Now I just have to mask my-” Kei began, expecting to still sound like himself, but he didn’t. Much to his surprise, the suit had even changed his voice! Instead of his nasal tenor, the voice was a sweet soprano, perfectly matching the nubile body. 

Any sense of discomfort had faded and more than any other emotion, Kei was overwhelmed with curiosity. This level of technology was incredible! Of course, it belonged exclusively to law enforcement. Still, regardless of how it’d happened, he found himself in the presence of a hot, young woman, and that woman was him! Her? It was strange how difficult it was to think of himself (herself) as a man (woman) when his (her) body looked like this. 

At the cusp of an existential, and self-referential crisis, naked and confused, Kei struggled to comprehend the avalanche of stimuli. Just as he (she) was about to search for some measure of sanity, the worst thing in the entire history of the world happened… Someone was knocking at the door!

Want more? Read 21 Swap Street!

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22 Swap Street: Chapter 1

Kei leaned against the heavy, metallic bars of the holding cell and sighed dramatically.

“Silence, prisoner,” the officer barked, looking up from her novel and scowling in his direction before returning back to the book.

“C’mon babe,” Kei implored sweetly. “If you’re not going to let me out, you must have a chess set floating around somewhere… I’m so bored. Maybe I can teach you a thing or two.”

 “Like how to steal from the mob?” she fired back sourly without looking up.

“I can’t help it if a bunch of folks place bad bets. Chess is a game of inches, one mistake and a sure win becomes bitter defeat. Lady luck plays us all for fools now and then.”

“Did you try explaining that to the enforcers who were about to break your legs when we found you? Should we have let them break “Lady Luck’s” legs instead?”

“Certainly not if they’re even half as lovely as yours Officer Lee,” Kei crooned, leering through the bars at the policewoman who refused to raise her gaze to regard him. But he could see her blushing and decided to push his luck. “Besides, even if I put my finger on the scale, which I’m not saying I did, is it really a crime to steal from a bunch of crooks?”

The officer finally looked up again but smiled wickedly. “Yes, specifically, racketeering, including but not limited to, bribery, illegal gambling, fraud, obstruction of justice-”

“Ok, ok” Kei interrupted, slumping to a crouch against the concrete wall breaking eye contact with the policewoman.

He attempted to entertain himself counting the squares in the scratchy, fleece blanket covering the cot along the wall, but quickly lost interest. Kei fell into working through a chess puzzle and lost track of time, snapping out of a half-daze when his musing was interrupted by a sharp ring.

It took several moments before he realized it was a phone. He returned his gaze to officer Lee who answered, listening raptly. Her long dark hair shimmered as she nodded, then her eyes widened in surprise

“Yes sir, when?” A pause, and then, “Now? Seriously? Yes sir, of course.”

Kei rose to his feet as Officer Lee put the phone down. He tried to look smug, despite the feeling of inferiority from his short stature. He pulled up to the maximum his 5’5” would allow and put on a quixotic smile. “I don’t suppose that was the president demanding my immediate release?”

Lee didn’t smile, she looked him dead in the eyes and said, “You’re being transferred, effective immediately. Evidently a car will be here any moment.”

On cue, the intercom buzzed and a voice over the intercom explained a car had arrived to move the prisoner. 

“Fuck,” Lee muttered as she opened the cell door and cuffed Kei’s hands in front of him. 

Her hands were wonderfully soft and he debated hitting on her again. Something in her face made him think better of it. Instead he said, “Are you going to miss me?”

“This is serious Keisuke, these are the Feds. I think you really fucked up this time.”

Kei didn’t say anything more as he was led through the small police office, down the hallway, and out to the curb where a black SUV waited. An official in a dark gray suit flashed a badge, Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, it was true, he was truly in the shit…

“Please step in the car sir,” the agent asked, looking down at the much shorter man while opening the vehicle door. Kei sighed, looked back at Officer Lee before stepping into the vehicle as she mouthed the words, “I’m sorry.” 

He gulped, suppressed an urge to vomit and stepped into the car an instant before the agent joined him. Instead of standard SUV seating, the two rows of seating faced each other separated by about a foot.

They were not alone in the SUV. Seated across from him and the agent was a strange woman, gorgeous with blonde hair and a stunning smile. He studied the woman across from him who looked less like a federal agent, and more like a model, despite her smart, dark gray suit. She crossed her shapely legs and regarded him.

Without taking her eyes off the prisoner, the woman knocked on the window above her shoulder and the car set off down the road. To Kei she said, “Pleased to meet you. My name is Agent Allison Jefferies, and I’m here to make you an offer of a lifetime.”

Kei didn’t respond right away. Deliberately, he glanced down at his handcuffs and raised an eyebrow questioningly.

“Oh, we’ll take care of that in a moment,” Allison assured him. She picked up a clipboard from the seat beside her and announced, “First some formalities. Can you confirm your full name is Keisuke Hara, high school valedictorian and regional chess champion?”

“Yeah,” Kei confirmed. “But why-”

Allison flipped past the first page and frowned. “Quite the rap sheet for such a distinguished highschool career. Two years of college before dropping out over a chess betting scandal. Rigging games, fraud, fraud again, then it looks like you got in deep with the Yakuza… AND the mob! What a busy career you’ve had after graduation. It’s hard to believe you’re only 24.”

She flipped through a number of subsequent pages which looked like spreadsheets. Dollar amounts. Large, negative numbers. Kei knew what was coming next.

“Oooooh, you owe them a LOT of money. From what I know about these folks they don’t take kindly to being stolen from. Was that why you were in jail? To keep you safe? You’d last about 5 minutes in the federal prison system.”

Kei wasn’t looking at her anymore. “So it’s blackmail then.”

“You mistake my intent Keisuke, this is NOT blackmail. By all rights you should have been in a federal penitentiary a dozen times over. But somehow you have managed to get on the good side of not one, but two organized criminal enterprises as well as your local police precinct. That requires some truly unique personal skills we could utilize. Think of it more as a job interview, but one where if you don’t get the job, you’ll end up dead!”

The woman’s upbeat attitude was at odds with her thinly veiled threats, but he still found himself drawn back to her sparkling green eyes. She was VERY pretty, and as much as it shamed him to admit, it played some part in his willingness to hear her out.

Kei sighed and said, “Ok, what’s the gig?”

“That’s the spirit!” Allison trilled, her pouty lips spreading into a wide grin. “Have you ever heard of a drug called Billco?”

In response, Kei began to shake his head but thought back to his most recent conversations with drug dealers he had casual contact with. After a moment he nodded and added, “I think I’ve heard of it, but I don’t know anything about it.”

“Not surprising. It’s just beginning to gain popularity, and mainly in the college scene for right now.”

“What does it do?” Kei asked, his natural curiosity rising.

“Interestingly, the effect differs when taken by men and women. When a man takes it, in addition to a marjuana-like high, he gains the ability to experience multiple orgasms the way a woman does. It also makes the orgasms extra intense… at least according to anecdotal accounts.”

That didn’t sound so bad to Kei. In fact, it seemed like a souped up Viagra. He knew there had to be a catch, so he asked the obvious followup. “And what does it do to women?”

Allison’s grin faded as she explained, “It enhances arousal and suppresses a woman’s will. It makes her suggestable and easily commanded. It dissolves easily in food and drink and as of yet, there’s no known method for detection.”

The look of distaste on her face was palpable and easily understood. A super-Viagra combined with a super-Rufi. A dangerous mix. Understanding the danger was simple. Now he was waiting for the other shoe to drop. 

“Where do I come in?” He finally inquired when the Agent’s further elaboration was not immediately forthcoming.

Allison was clearly awaiting this question and responded with a well practiced explanation.

“We believe distribution of Billco can be traced back to a Sorority at Fifthson College. We need you to go undercover and find definitive proof of illegal activity. If we can’t identify the culprit soon, it will break containment and women everywhere will be in terrible danger.”

Kei didn’t know what reaction Allison expected to see, but she seemed taken aback as he unleashed a torrent of laughter so deafening his belly ached. 

“HAHAHAHAHA, that’s fucking hillarious. Who put you up to this? BAHAHAHA, ridiculous! Get the scrawny, short asian kid to dress up in drag and embarrass him? What a joke!”

“No joke,” Allison assured him, her face a mask of seriousness. “It has to be you. The sorority is renowned for their Chess prowess.”

“Ok, I’ll play along. How the hell does it make sense for me to pretend to be a girl? Aren’t there like, 2.5 million actual girls you could get to do the job? Hell, I’ve known plenty of girls who kicked my ass at chess, do you need phone numbers?”

“We had one. She’s dead.”

The subsequent silence was excruciating. Only the soft whir of the engine encroached in the still, poisonous cabin. This time, it was Allison who spoke up.

“Classes start in 2 days. We wouldn’t be here if we had any other option. She attended an orientation party at the sorority house two weeks ago. She died yesterday of an unknown illness. We don’t suspect foul play, but the part which matters to you is this: Her death is known only to a select few within the Agency. You’re not going in as just any woman, we need you to become HER.”

Allison punctuated the final statement with a headshot of a cheerful looking girl flashing the peace sign. He studied her smiling face which looked to be of Korean descent. The girl was adorable, bubbly, and evidently, dead. A pit in Kei’s stomach turned into an abyss.

“Even if it is actually possible, it has to be someone else. You said it yourself, I’m a criminal. I’ve got no business-”

A raised hand silenced him. “You have a knack for earning the trust of criminals. We know you’ve stolen a lot of money. Moreover, we also know WHY you stole it. In the eyes of the law, you may be a criminal, but that doesn’t make you a bad person. ”

Despite himself, Kei felt tears welling up in the corners of his eyes. Looking out the window to prevent the agent from noticing the moment of weakness, he was quick to respond, fighting through the crack in his voice.

“Then you know I can’t leave.”

“Now we’re negotiating,” Allison observed. “I can promise she’ll receive the best care the federal government can provide. If you complete the mission, we’ll absolve you of all your criminal offenses and get you set up with witness protection for you and your family.”

“That’s generous,” Kei said with more than a trace of sarcasm. He couldn’t help but stare at the dead college student they wanted him to portray. He crumpled it in frustration and added, “All this is a load of crap.”

“The offer is serious.”

“Not the offer. The offer is incredible… Too incredible to be believable. She and I aren’t even the same ethnicity. I know we all look the same to you, but we’re not. And I don’t care how fancy the wig you provide is, I’ll never pass for a woman.”

Allison waved away the concern. “I can verify we understand the difference between Korean and Japanese ancestry and we can provide the means to blend in. Perfectly,” she added.

Reflexively, Kei’s hand moved to the patchy facial hair he’d been growing since highschool. 

“In fact,” Allison added excitedly. “Let me sweeten the pot for you. If you say yes right now, I’ll sleep with you!”

“I… uh, what?” Kei stuttered, wondering if perhaps he misheard. He glanced at the other agent who sat beside him, studying the large man’s face for some indication that he’d imagined it.

Reaching across the aisle, Allison caressed Kei’s knee suggestively. “Oh, don’t worry about Agent Harrison, he is great at ignoring my proclivities. Unless,” she paused dramatically, “You’d like him to join us?”

“No,” Kei snapped. “I’m not into guys.”

“Suit yourself,” Allison muttered, shrugging off her coat revealing a semi-transparent blouse. As she began unbuttoning it she added. “You have a certain lanky charm… I want to unwrap you like a candy bar. Do we have a deal?”

“I can’t,” he lamented, with his eyes locked on the lacy pink bra and seductive curves of the hottest cop Kei had ever seen. His cock surged against the fabric of his pants. 

“It looks like he wants to,” she observed, dropping to her knees and unbuttoning Kei’s pants. He couldn’t bring himself to stop her as she took his rock hard erection in her mouth.

“Oh, shit,” he moaned as her mouth slid up and down his manhood. Her mouth felt amazing, utterly demolishing every blowjob he could recall. However, just a few strokes in, she stopped.

“If we have a deal, I can promise you’ll never forget this night.”

“Fine, we have a deal, just don’t stop.”

Allison didn’t reply with words, instead she resumed licking up and down the length of his shaft sending a wave of pleasure down his spine. He felt soft hands wrap gently around his balls while a pair of lips slid down to the base of his diamond hard erection. Kei shuddered with a sudden and immediate release.

To his surprise, the agent gulped down the slurry without flinching and furiously licked his wilting erection clean. 

“I’m sorry-” Kei began before getting cut off by Allison who silenced him with a kiss. He could taste his own cum on her lips.

“If you think a little premature ejaculation is going to void our deal,” she attested, “I don’t give up so easily. As a cop, or a woman, I ALWAYS get my man. Now take off your clothes.”

Her tone was sharp, but authoritative. Kei obeyed. Even so he was slow to disrobe as he watched the agent smoothly strip despite the cramped quarters. Beneath her business attire was an erotic set of pink-and-black, lacy undergarments which she also removed, revealing a mesmerizing body, nubile curves and large, pert breasts, exactly his type. Every man’s type, he conceded as he felt himself begin to harden again.

“I thought I told you to take that off,” Allison chided, pulling the half-removed hoodie over Kei’s head. She ran her hand briefly over his sparse chest hair and down his flat, but non-muscular abdominals on it’s journey south. It found his manhood surging to attention, right before she lunged into his lap. Guiding him to her moist, willing entrance, she sighed as she plunged down on his cock.

Allison’s pussy was sopping wet, which was fortunate, because she was also wonderfully, deliciously tight. It was the best Kei had ever experienced and was once again in awe of her supple body. She twisted and writhed in his lap, and even as his eager hands had just begun exploring the woman’s smooth, slender form, he felt ready to erupt again!

As though she could sense his tension she shifted off and, in one smooth motion bent to present her heart-shaped backside, to Kei. He eagerly took her from behind, slipping in while groping her ample, soft bosom. Moaning as she was penetrated, Kei could never recall being so aroused. With a furious intensity he pounded her, savoring the way her cunt squeezed his cock.

“Oh, shit,” he moaned, a sudden urge to cum. Without a condom, he moved to pull out.

“No,” Allison commanded. “You can cum inside. Anh! Don’t stop!”

“Fuck it,” Kei decided and resume his motion with renewed intensity. 

They came together in a moaning cacophony and Kei felt the woman shudder under his touch. Once he felt her body relax he pulled himself free and watched his semen dribble out of her perfect slit. 

Collapsing back into his seat, he took a deep breath, and watched Allison pull her panties on in the cramped vehicle interior. He admired his conquest.  

Then, remembering the deal, reality came crashing down. What had he just agreed to?

Want more? Read 21 Swap Street!

Please leave a comment and let me know what you think.

Small Mistake

“I just can’t, Rachel. I’m sorry. All this attention… I can’t handle it. I’m just going to close my door and wait until the cure is ready. I don’t want anyone to see me as a woman.”

Rachel looked sad, but nodded sagely, wiping a tear from her eye. “I understand. Let’s go home and get you set up. I’ll deal with the Shaman and make sure things are all set in a few days for you to change back into a guy.”

Alex placed a hand on her roommate’s shoulder and looked her in the eyes and said as earnestly as she could manage, “Thank you.” 

They spent most of the way home in silence before Rachel finally said, “After I make sure you get home OK, I’m going to head out and pick up some essentials for you. Just to be prepared.”

“Like what?”

“I know you don’t like thinking about being a girl. Do you want to know?” 

“I guess not,” Alex confessed. “I’ll trust you.”

Minutes later, Alex found herself alone in her room and wasted no time stripping off the bikini, replacing it with an overly large tee from the back of her dresser. The shirt was too big on Alex and downright voluminous on Alex’s new, smaller frame, but it did an admirable job of covering up her body. All her pants were too long, but even if they were the correct length, they wouldn’t stay up. There weren’t even notches which fit her petite waist, so she went without. It felt strange wearing nothing below the waist, but the shirt was long enough, where maybe it didn’t matter.

In fact, if Alex ignored her hair, which hung down a few inches past her shoulders, and leaned forward when she looked down, it was almost possible to forget she was a woman! As long as she didn’t look at the lithe legs and tiny feet poking out below… or the swell of a pair of breasts beneath the shirt. Or her slender arms and hands with the rune which suppressed her feminine spirit.

OK, so maybe it wasn’t possible to forget her new femininne circumstances, so Alex decided to do the next best thing and seek distraction. She hopped on her computer to play a game. Once it loaded, she noticed Tolnay was online! Perfect. Alex had lost dozens of hours gaming with Tolnay and it was exactly the diversion he needed. A quick message and moments later they were in a game. She donned the headset and joined voice chat, running on muscle memory.

“Hey Tolney! I’m so glad to see you I-” she trilled excitedly and then froze as soon as she realized what she’d done.

“Hi, who’s this? Alex?”

Fuck, fuck, FUCK! How could she have forgotten her voice? 

“Hey Alex, you there? Who was that?”

Alex panicked and turned off her PC. However, far from solving her problem, her phone pinged with a text. “Please don’t let it be Tolney,” she hoped.

No such luck. It was a text.

[Ey man u crash?]

“Oh good,” she sighed. “Maybe he won’t ask about-”

[And who girl?]

[She sound cute]

“Fuck,” Alex swore. There was no way out, she’d have to lie. She considered what the best option was. She couldn’t pretend it had been Rachel, they gamed together occasionally with her and Tolney knew the voice. Finally, he settled on a believable lie.

[That was my girlfriend]

[She wanted to say hi]


“Of course he wants a picture,” Alex cursed. The guy was as horny as any of Alex’s male friends and if it was going to be believable it had to be sexy. She set up the camera on her desk and snapped a photo. Whatever, it would do.

Alex was furious for a reason she couldn’t articulate. She tore off her shirt and went digging through her closet. 

Of course he believed her now. It was the tie Tolney had gotten him before he’d moved west for work. Before he’d moved in with Rachel. Before it became a prop for a sexy photo. What on earth was she thinking?

However, as she readied to send another message a knock at the door drew her away from the phone. She tossed the tie and quickly buttoned down the shirt before opening the door to find Rachel with a heaving canvas bag. 

“Whoa, Rachel what’s that?”

“Well,” Rachel sighed, “I was going to pick some girl essentials which we couldn’t share, but I just got a little carried away. There’s some underwear, a few outfits. Some things to make three days p-”

Alex’s phone interrupted with a series of alert messages and she looked sheepish as Rachel studied her with an inquisitive expression.

Ultimately, Rachel shrugged and handed over the overflowing bag. “I’m going to visit the Shaman and see about speeding up preparations for the ritual. We’ll turn you back in no time.”

“Thanks Rachel, Sincerely.”

Her roommate waved the comment away with a smile. They both turned to glance and Alex’s phone which tinkled with another alert.

“Well… I’ll check in with you tomorrow morning. Have a good evening Alex.”

Rachel turned and Alex closed the door behind her before dumping the bag out on the bed. She began to pick through the clothes but was interrupted by another message.

“Fuck, fine, what!” Alex shouted looking at her phone.

“Wow, he’s thirsty,” Alex thought. But she made him hard? The thought made her chuckle and gave her a very naughty idea.

To Be Continued…

Experimental Erotica #2

We have a special visitor today with a very strange and very sexy story to tell.

Do you have any questions for our visitor?

I know what you’re thinking.

“That’s a cute pair of panties.”

First, thank you. Second, I’m no ordinary pair of panties. I’m a MAGICAL pair of panties!

I mean, you probably guessed that much. After all, I’m talking to you, and you probably don’t know a lot of underwear with such a particular talent. But that’s not even my most exciting skill. See, I can turn men into women.

You’re skeptical. I get it. It’s hard to believe such a thing is possible. But it’s true, I swear! I’ve done it dozens of times. Aren’t you the least bit curious how it happens?

Ever since my mistress created me, I’ve understood a singular purpose. Transforming men into women is the reason I exist.

Oh, my mistress? Well, I was going to tell you about-

Well, I suppose I can tell you a bit about her first. She’s beautiful and ageless. You might call her a witch, but she prefers the term ‘Enchantress’. My mistress is the most powerful magic user that’s ever existed.

Anyway, she’s a magnificent woman who’s made it her goal in life to punish men who cheat or otherwise mistreat woman. That’s why she created me!

She puts me on before her date. I feel the heat and the warmth from her snatch grow as the date proceeds. Her wonderful, sweet pussy, soon to be defiled.

“Do you want to go back to my place?”

They always ask. My mistress always says yes. They pull me off with rough, single-mindedness, flinging me to the corner, where I settle on the floor or behind a piece of furniture.

Grunting, moaning, tragic, necessary sex commences.  

Uncouth slobs, lustfully lunging at my mistress. She engages them with amorous clamor, a feat she describes as “Pity Sex”. A pity because they won’t ever be using that penis again… not if I have my way.

When the moon sets and the sun rises, my mistress is gone, but I remain. They don’t always find me right away, but when they do, it’s the scariest part of the cycle. Some men intend to keep me as a trophy, but others want to eliminate the evidence before their partner finds me.

Fortunately, when I touch skin (other than my mistress’) I can make suggestions. They’ve never suspect the ideas are not their own, but I can’t always ensure my safety.

“Don’t you want to remember that fantastic night?” I might ask. “You should keep me as a keepsake.”

“Does your girlfriend wear sexy panties like this for you? Keep it and maybe she’ll wear it!”

“It still smells like her sopping wet pussy. Maybe you should hold onto me a while longer.”

They always end up keeping me.

Sometimes it’s a long while before they remember me. But, when they do, I make the most of the opportunity.

“She was so confident and sensual. Maybe you should try it on. No one has to know.”

My powers are weak and severely limited while they hold me with their hands. Once they put me on, their fate is sealed, however they don’t usually put me on right away. Tet once the seed is planted, they keep coming back. The same suggestion, bubbling up every time they touch me, is impossible to resist. Eventually they always try me on. My power is multiplied a thousandfold.

At first, it’s experimental. Feeling my silky texture slide up their legs, nestling around their manhood, stretched by their inappropriate anatomy. It must be corrected, but my primary goal is to ensure they wear me more, and for longer stretches.

“This feels amazing. You can do anything!”

Eventually they all wear me out of the house. Hidden under work slacks, or even disguised under a conventional pair of boxers for the most conservative targets, I begin a campaign of confidence.

“You got this.”

“No problem, you can handle anything.”

“These panties are lucky.”

“You fucked the hottest girl ever. Nothing can stop you.”

It’s not unusual for the first day to mark the most successful work day they’ve ever had. Or if their goal was athletic, an unparalleled individual achievement. Don’t underestimate the power of a cheerleading squad in your own head. Of course they try it the next day with similar results. And the next day, and so on. After all, I’m their lucky little secret.

Before they know it, they’re wearing me every day and my real work begins.

My primary ability begins to alter their body gradually, bit-by-bit. I begin by smoothing blemishes and softening hair. It helps my target’s confidence without presenting any obvious evidence of my true aims. If they’re not already fit, I help them lose weight, too.

“Your hair would look nice if it were longer.”

“You should shave your entire body smooth, the ladies love it and your panties would feel even nicer!”

I help ensure they don’t need to shave very often.

For the most part, they go on living their lives while I slowly tweak their bodies into a more feminine shape. Day by day, their facial features soften, their shoulders draw in, their waists narrow. Bulging muscle is replaced by sinewy, lean structures. Over the course of months, my changes are so subtle, few even notice the ways I alter them.

However, it’s not just their bodies I change. Along with the nudging encouragement, I offer less subtle ideas, blurring the lines of gender and sexuality. By now they’ve separated with their partners who have long since tired of my target’s disinterest in sexual intimacy.

“You don’t feel like sleeping with woman, you have more important things to do.”

Then things really start to get fun.

“You love wearing panties, maybe you should try wearing some other woman’s clothes… I bet you could even pass as a girl.”

I don’t expect them to march off to the nearest Victoria’s Secret, but you’d be amazed how excited they get, browsing the web for their first skirt. I’m spread taught across their erections as they squeeze their thighs together in acute arousal, but it’s a significantly smaller erection than it would have been 6 months earlier.

Waiting for that first package to arrive is thrilling. When they open it to find dresses and skirts they ordered… all manor of girly clothes. They’re always so excited!

Of course they can pass. By now they’re as much woman as man. Androgynous, but still technically male, they try on clothes alone before the mirror experimentally flashing feminine poses, rock hard the entire time. Next they start experimenting with makeup.

“You look so cute, you were meant to be a woman.”

By the time they start leaving the house in women’s clothing, things are mostly running on autopilot. I’m busy granting their unvoiced wish, gifting them the vagina they so desperately pine for. With supple curves, ample breasts, and an ass to die for, a tender nub is all that remains of my target’s masculinity.

My power of suggestion is relegated to convincing my subject to avoid wearing any of the other adorable panties they’ve purchased by now. The transition I begat is now a runaway train, ultimately bound for true feminine desires.

After a few weeks, they’ll discover the virgin slit beneath my silky cover. Sometimes it begins with curiosity and I get to feel their first experimental touches through my fabric with slender fingers on one side and a moist, drooling cunt within. Nothing makes me happier that to feel my target touch themselves with me on! I love feeling their thighs quiver as they moan and quake with their first female orgasm.

Other times, they discover their femininity an entirely different way. The first time my target gets hit on, I feel a trace of pride. Having men admire my work of art, brings me such joy!

“There’s no harm in going on a date with a man.”

“One more glass of wine couldn’t hurt.”

“Kiss him.”

I feel her grow wet with desire.

By the end of the date, she’s begging for him to suck her nipples or to plunge his cock in her wet pussy just one more time, clutching at his hips, urging him deeper and harder, squealing with delight.

I admire my work with a trace of sadness as she forgets her lucky panties at her mysterious new lover’s apartment. But, as the handsome suitor transforms back into my beloved mistress, my excitement rises.

We are ready to begin the whole cycle one more time!

Experimental Erotica #1

The sale may be over, but I’m back with some naughty second person perspective!

What do you think?


“Please,” Regan utters in contempt, “I’m smarter than you ever were. I’ve created a world where my powers are unlimited. In this world I am King. You shall be my obedient Queen.”

“I’m a man!” you counter with disgust. “And I’ll never serve you, in this world or any other. You must release me.”

“This world is mine. YOU are mine! I desire a Queen. ”

Upon issuing the final condemnation, he waves his hand and the white landscape draws back to reveal an elaborate ballroom. Fluted columns and high arches decorated in deep browns and reds remind you of a Victorian painting. With horror, you notice a ring, roughly 30 feet in diameter, formed by beautiful, naked young women.

Writhing, creamy limbs, arching backs, a chorus of debauched moans, nubile girls completely surround you in a sapphic cacophony.  Everywhere you look are women scissoring, sucking breasts or being fingered. Kissing, embracing, every sensual act imaginable between women is visible from every angle. The sheer magnitude of sensuality  emanates like a heatwave from the kaleidoscope of flesh. The women singularly focused on pleasing each other, utter sighs of delight, their voices rise and fall, a beating heart of desire.

Despite this, Regan has eyes only for you. He’s dressed in a tuxedo, black and white, grinning wickedly. He holds his hand out and you look up to see a bright, golden ring descending, a thin membrane stretching inside. Any attempt to move from the spot is fruitless, your feet refuse to follow orders

The membrane alights upon your nose and at once begins to tingle. The ring continues down your body, your head itching like a million insects crawling across its surface.

You can feel hair growing, your cheekbones rising, your lips being expanded. A golden lock falls across your eyes, but by now the ring has reached your chest and you can only focus on the feeling of pressure their as breasts swell, pressed tightly against your body by a violet gown which flows from your chest. The dress is created in concert with your body, which is molded into delicate curves, creating a sumptuous hourglass figure.

You gasp when it reaches your hips, expanding them, velvety fabric clinging tightly. The ring reaches your crotch and you yelp in a high pitched, female voice as your member turns inside out and are left only with a void where it once was.

You can’t see your legs trim and smooth beneath the violet gown. The ring passes your feet, which shrink and leave you standing in laced high heels which you can feel dimly.

The ring vanishes into the floor and you are breathing heavily, chest heaving, staring at a pair of large breasts moving up and down, holding the magnificent gown in place. Music begins, a slow waltz emanating from everywhere, tempo a perfect match to the orgasmic exclamations of the orgy.

Regan holds out his hand and against your will you reach out and take it. The two of you move around the dance floor in perfect time to the music. You don’t know how to waltz, but somehow you execute each move perfectly, golden curs spreading out in a fan as he twirls you.

“I hate you,” you wish to say, but the words won’t form on a pair of perfect, pouty lips.

Instead your flesh thrills at the touch of his hands on your hips through the bodice of the gown. He presses up against you and you can feel his member through the satiny fabric of the dress.

He leans in close and whispers in your ear. “I want you.” 

Wordlessly three of the nameless orgy participants rush over, breasts bouncing as they leap into action. They help you out of your dress and you glance over at Regan who has three more nubile women removing his clothes as well. His pants come free and a huge cock comes bouncing free. Your dress falls to your ankles and you are both completely naked. Looking down you observe flawless skin, ample breasts, and an impression of rightness. This female body is yours, a feminine ideal, lordly in bearing, exhibiting the sylphlike curves of a Queen.

One girl rushes off with the dress, disappearing into the throng. Another young woman kneels, spreading your legs slightly and moving her face towards your sensual chasm. Without preamble she begins to lick at your new genitalia. Electricity shoots through your feminine form. Wonderfully erotic sensations churn forth from her ministrations and a soft moan accompanies the pleasure. With surprise you realize the voice is yours, even as you succumb to the building arousal.

Another newcomer steps behind you and begins to massage each breast while nibbling at your right earlobe, Her breasts compressing against your shoulders, so intense is her caress. Pilloried by waves of satisfaction, your body grows limp and mind grows cloudy as the world is subsumed by carnal joy.

Regan is receiving a similar treatment. A pale brunette is eagerly stroking his fully erect manhood while another chocolate-skinned beauty caresses his bare chest. Two incredible beauties, they go ignored. He doesn’t acknowledge them, or offer a smile, in response to the pleasure. He has eyes only for you.

The woman behind you tweaks a nipple and at the same moment, the woman between your legs teases your clitoris, a lick which ignites a carnal fire. Waves of pleasure roll through your body and you can feel the wetness growing between your legs.

Suddenly, in total unison, the women withdraw delivering sensual delights, standing to either side. They spin you around to reveal a bed which had certainly not been there moments before. It does not surprise you. A Queen has but one service to provide her king.

They walk you to the bed and bend you over the edge, face down. Suddenly, and completely without warning, Regan’s massive cock enters you with a shuddering fullness. You’re so wet that even his monster slides in effortlessly, even as it stretches against your pussy walls. Pressing, plunging, throbbing perfection.

The feeling is indescribable as he pumps his cock inside you, slowly at first, then faster and faster still, your hands clutch the sheets. Each thrust makes you feel like you’re torn apart, but the pleasure is overwhelming. Without reservation, screaming in pleasure, you devour every inch with a sublime thirst

“Oh, oh god! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!”

Regan is pushing faster, groaning slightly. The moans from the orgy around you reaches a crescendo as the damn breaks.

You scream at the top of your lungs, “AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!”

The orgasm is like a shotgun blast, dynamite, a nuclear blast inside of you. At the same moment Regan screams and you feel his juices explode forth, filling you with heat and a twitching, squirting certitude. The voices of the women around you are a simultaneous exaltation as they cum in unison.

“Fill me again, my King,” you beg.

Regan smiles; A wicked expression, full of pride and loathing for the creature he created. You don’t care. The thought of him entering you has already set your loins afire with exquisite desire. If not this time, the next. A heir for the King, what other purpose could there be for one such as you?